After the accident, under the Norilsk rescuers cleared more than 30 thousand square meters of water surface

the scene of the accident near Norilsk, where at the end of may there was a spill of fuel, exported nearly 25 million cubic meters of contaminated soil and more than five thousand cubic meter of the mixture was collected from the water. To eliminate the consequences involved specialists of “Transneft”. A team of 60 people sets a new boom on the rivers.

This is one of the so-called borders. Such along the river Barn — dozens. The place where managed to catch the fuel spot. To understand the scale of the disaster is enough to draw water, although water is hard to call, it is pure diesel fuel.

such large-scale oil spills, even oil companies face for the first time. The flow of the river and the wind literally pushed diesel for the tundra. Each of these spots has to break up a temporary camp.

Experts move fuel from one spot to another. Impromptu meetings — right in the middle of the tundra. Next almost without interruption work oil installation.

Temporary storage for the collected diesel fuel delivered by helicopters. Each tank holds two hundred and fifty thousand litres. And need to collect twenty million. But it’s not bulging from the river mix. Importantly, the water in it was low.

Environmentalists every day I take dozens of samples of water and soil. Depending on the area of toxic substances in the river in the tens or even hundreds of times more than the norm. In some areas you have to work in respirators.

According to the regional authorities, the diesel fuel found even in the cleanest once glacial lake Pyasino that many kilometers away from the main gathering place. But MOE confidently say, the lake was not injured.

In the MOE report on the collected mixes and tons of cubic meters of soil. According to various estimates the entire operation will take no more than two weeks. After the territory will need to be treated with sorbents. In the permafrost, even a slight residual fuel can poison the ecosystem.

This is the case when they say “how it is a pity that the camera doesn’t transmit smells.” But to understand what toxic soup is now under us — just look at this trail. Beneath us several inches of diesel fuel.

For 11 days since the accident collected only one-fifth of spilled diesel fuel. Thousands of tons of diesel fuel still in the ground and on the water. In the next few days in the area waiting for the rain and strong winds.