Of course, there has been a debate about salaries that are too high since there has been professional football. If you can do a lot, you should also earn a lot. The problem: The refinancing of these monster salaries has long since ceased to exist.

Paris Saint-Germain will never be able to sell so many fan jerseys to make a profit with this deal: the club will pay 50 million euros an annual salary to Kylian Mbappé in the future. A lack of regulation fuels such wild growth, from which the Bundesliga also suffers.

Superstars can only be financed through ominous investor deals (see Paris, for example) or through massive debt (see Barcelona, ​​for example) – both of which are forbidden in Germany. And both variants force the clubs to look for loopholes to circumvent Uefa’s “financial fair play”.

Why not a salary cap like in US sports? It can be so generous that 99 percent of the clubs don’t feel it anyway. And for the superstars, it should still be enough for two hot meals a day and one or two sports cars.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of talent, the author never earned a tired mark with sport.

Can a player be worth 600 million in three years? Is it fair when oil millions are pumped into a club? What strange questions. Of course we all want the honest street sweat football of 50 years ago back.

Whereby, moment: Günter Netzer already posed in a fur coat in front of his Ferrari. Football hasn’t really been that down-to-earth for a long time. It obeys the same free market laws as Hollywood or Silicon Valley.

If Paris Saint-Germain managers have calculated that investing in Kylian Mbappé is worthwhile, that is their decision and their risk. Whether athletes will eventually become billionaires (why not?) or collapse under the pressure is another question.

And competition is always distorted: FC Bayern isn’t building a larger stadium for Werder Bremen so that they can sell just as many tickets. As a man who knows little about football but a little about the rest of the world said: It’s the economy, stupid.

Due to time constraints, the author only watches World Cup games. He doesn’t think his salary is too high either.