the CEO of a biotech company BIOCAD Dmitry Morozov on air of TV channel “Russia 24” told about the drug “Levelmap”, which helps in the fight against coronavirus. According to him, the drug was tested over two and a half years and originally intended for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Morozov said that during the research doctors injected medication into the human body even before he developed a complex autoimmune condition. “Levelmap” is injections, which are made mostly in the shoulder. Your doctor may prescribe them at an early stage of the disease.

the CEO of the biotechnology company said that in the process of research medication side effects from it have been identified. Morozov said that the drug can be used when a person is in serious condition. “Levelmap” allows you to stop the cytokine storm. According to the expert, with the help of medication of heavy state managed to already seven.

Dmitry Morozov declared that “Levelmap” is not an analogue of the foreign medicine is absolutely original molecule made without looking at foreign colleagues. The principle of action of drugs are really similar, but the Russian version is specially introduced design changes, mutations that reduce the so-called toxic effect of the antibodies. Scientists have been able to modernize the molecule, which reduced the list of possible side effects. The expert expressed the hope that after a few weeks the medication will end up in the hospital is not in clinical trials, and as a full participant in the struggle with COVID-19.

the CEO of a biotech company believes that even if Russia will be a second wave of coronavirus, the health system will cope with it, because the doctors already have relevant experience and even drugs.

According to June 9, in Russia a total of 485 253 identified concerLevsha coronavirus. For all time recovered 242 397 patients. Died 6 142.