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Certificate without exam deprives of the graduate for admission to the University

Certificate without exam deprives of the graduate for admission to the University

Graduates ninth and eleventh grades in 2020 year will receive diplomas without passing state exam. This decree was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

In fact, the certificates have been prepared, rating them bear for the first 11 years. And they have even started to give out.

In colleges and technical schools on the budget of the graduates will enroll on the basis of a competition of school certificates.

However, for admission to universities one certificate is not enough — you need to pass the exam. And exams is considered necessary most from 786 thousand students graduating in this school year.

Talking with representatives of schools, the correspondent of the site Вести.Ru found that to the situation with coronavirus didn’t want to pass the profile exam 13-15% of graduates. Due to the special situation, the number had increased to 30-35% of the total number of graduates. That is to pass the exam will be about 275 thousand graduates.

In this regard, the EGE on the Russian language will be written in two days: according to the sanitary norms distance between students must be at least five feet. And even if you place all those wishing to take in a few classes, space is still not enough.

What caused the sudden desire to pass the exam and not to do that this year neither the graduates nor their parents really can’t answer. They say that this year is not ready, so (probably) will not receive high points, of sufficient enrollment in “good University” and the following “prepared better.”

But if the girls have such an ability, postupivshii in a higher educational institution (and not granted deferral) the boys have to go serve in the army. The autumn call-up campaign will start on 1 October and so far there is no information about its transfer. So the exams for representatives of the strongwow Paul will be postponed indefinitely — the next opportunity to get points they will appear not earlier than in two years.

Graduates who do not pass the exam, do have the opportunity to work throughout the year and prepare for the exam next year. However, if they are afraid that, having studied continuously for 11 years, is not ready for the light version of the exams, it is hard to imagine that they would be more productive to learn on their own.

in addition, if parents are not able (or not willing) to contain another year or eighteen year old “kiddies”, they will have to go to work. And many a surprise awaits: finding a job without submission of documents on special education is not so simple.

first, many organizations frequently screen out candidates without the formation of by default. Secondly, few people are ready to accept a person not only without education, but without any experience — you will have to spend a lot of time for training. And to say in advance whether the benefits of this “investment” is extremely difficult. Third, these candidates often lose in competition with a candidate who has a higher education.

Certainly, it is possible to organize their work. But you need to study the subject “business” to have the initial capital to hire workers (or be willing to work around the clock). A separate paragraph should highlight the accountant: a person not well versed in accounting, will find many surprises if it gets to ignore the laws of building a working relationship with the state.

For example, without technical and higher education and lack of experience not to occupy the position of Head of the convoy. Senior kindergarten teacher should have higher professional education in the field of “Education and pedagogy” and the experience of a teacher not less 2 years. Can’t work in school, not just higher, but no higher education. Even with the ability to write or photograph it is impossible to become a writer or a photojournalist. Start to sing in the choir or take to store a position above the cashier and seller.

Every year in the summer, that is, by the time the exam online updated with tens of articles on how higher education manages the development of modern technology. And that while you were 4-7 years in prestigious universities, global trends and priorities changed and the diploma is a useless piece of paper.

And this, of course, just a rebuke, but not an argument in order for education to have nothing at all. Moreover, the self-study at the initial stage is quite difficult thing at least in the field of organization of education

from time to Time appear a happy story, what a person without any education. As “one of the Russian home specialist bought for thousands of dollars and now become a leading specialist and the Director of the campaign.” As a woman without education teaches Chinese (not sarcasm) and earn as much as he wants when he wants.

Cinderella was also. One. On another centuries-old history of fairy tales is silent.