Chinese coronavirus may spread via feces

the Main route of infection 2019-nCoV is considered airborne. But now doctors warn of new dangers: infection can cause diarrhea, and feces of patients contains a pathogen.

These conclusions in a scientific paper published in the journal JAMA.

Doctors analyzed data on 138 patients admitted to a hospital in Wuhan for infections 2019-nCoV. Among other things, it turned out that 14 of them (10%) complained of diarrhea and nausea for one or two days before the fever and the appearance of respiratory symptoms.

And, since according to other studies, patients in the faeces contains the virus, the danger is more serious than it may seem at first glance.

Because tiny particles of faeces tend to settle on the most unexpected objects, including toothbrushes.

the SARS Epidemic, known as SARS, have shown that infection via the fecal mass should not be underestimated. In 2003, this route of transmission has led to infection of several hundred people in a residential complex, Amoy Gardens in Hong Kong.

As it turned out later, the reason became a powerful stream of warm air that carried the of the bathrooms in many rooms of the micro-particles of faeces, and with them the virus.

This transmission may create problems in hospitals, where healthy people come into contact with many patients. By the way, 41% of the surveyed 138 patients presumably were infected in hospitals.

About the danger of the virus 2019-nCoV resemble the following figures: 26% of 138 patients were in such a parlous state that were transferred to the ICU, and 4.3% died.

meanwhile it is still unknown how long the virus 2019-nCoV can remain viable in the external environment and what temperatures it can tolerate.

By the way, before “News.Science” ( wrote about the simple precautions that will help avoid Contracting the virus. Also myou wrote about the new protective coating for masks and respirators, designed to stop the spread of 2019-nCoV.