Classmates launched a caller ID phone

Classmates launched the service automatic number identification by which users will be able to see from which organization they get a phone call. Thanks to a new service app OK will warn you of unwanted calls, such as advertising or spam, and users will be able to know how important to them the challenge. To connect the service, you need to activate the setting in the mobile app is OK on Android and iOS.

When you receive a phone call the app is OK checked with our own database of telephone numbers, display information about the found room user: the name of the company and the scope of its activities. If the number is tagged as spam, the user will see the appropriate message on the screen of the dialler.

the Base primarily collected on the basis of open data pages of companies in social networks using artificial intelligence algorithms, and then was supplemented and moderated by users in a test run. In addition, users can continuously enrich the database, marking numbers as spam, or perhaps coming from a call center organizations.