Costumed millionaires lure of money in training

the TV channel “Russia 1” — the shocking revelations of the victims of so-called personal growth, and expose the “infosign”, which force its customers to go into debt and to sell only housing.

They carried on the promises of the “business gurus” to learn how for a short time to become dollar millionaires.

Women, however, are “linnastumine” lure “training” to attract wealthy men.

moreover, these “gurus” only beautiful videos in social networks demonstrate the attributes of luxury living. In fact, they are often people without education, and many do nowhere near as wealthy as they appear to be.

However, there is a demand – there is proposal. And if before the pandemic coronavirus these scammers collected rooms, in the period of isolation they went to the net and it is possible that want to learn how to earn a million dollars a week, or quickly find a rich husband, became even greater.

And if some of pseudocistela with trusting people just collect money, then there are those who practice in my classes outright bullying and violence.

the history of such scams, as well as revelations of their deceived victims – in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” on TV channel “Russia 1”.