Directors of the Hong Kong riot is not even trying to disguise

Chinese President XI Jinping signed a decree on the entry into force on 30 June of the law on the protection of national security of Hong Kong. The document provides for creation on the territory of the Autonomous district power structures, subordinated to Beijing. As for crimes against national security and subversive activities face life imprisonment. This should cool the ardor of freedom fighters of Hong Kong and to end the chaos and barricades on the streets of one of the largest financial centers in the world. In response, the US Congress imposes new sanctions against China. So when life in Hong Kong will be back to normal and the streets will disappear American flags?

It was not just the 23rd anniversary of the transition of the former British colony under Chinese sovereignty, is the first day when Hong Kong woke up with a new national security act. For calls to overthrow the government and separatism — up to 10 years in prison.

Among the four hundred detainees during the riots and the first defendants under the new articles. Rider, at full speed rammed a police cordon, calling for independence and the revolution. But the opposition immediately declared him a victim of the Communist regime. For the organizers of the riots it was fundamentally. While on the waterfront of Victoria harbour under the national anthem of the PRC the honor guard solemnly raised the flags of China and Hong Kong, on the streets – riots, and such, so the police had to use force.

“This is an important and timely decision, which shows that the Central government is determined to restore stability in Hong Kong after a year of escalating violence and unrest since June last year,” said Carrie Lam, the head of administration of Hong Kong.

a year of protests, which Beijing long watched from the sidelines, Hong Kong lost its status as a literally quiet financial harbour, and hence billions. From the demonstrators blocked streets with the popular paving and stopped the subway suffered from the residents themselves. Tourism and trade before the epidemic was left without money that is spent here, the Chinese from the mainland.

“Who will go to Ocean Park, Disneyland on a weekend, the restaurant, if what you say mainland Chinese, they can just beat? Need stability on the exchange were trading. To financial institutions work, they do not need barricades in the streets were burning,” said the businessman Ruslan Pockets.

a Teacher from Russia, living long in Hong Kong last year showed us what made the metropolis those who call themselves “fighters for democracy”. He saw organized rallies and who is behind them.

“the U.S. Consulate participated tight, for everyone was up the mountain. In November, covered a large company that was funding the protests, arrested more than 70 million dollars,” said Pockets.

the New law should put a barrier — and that is a separate point — to foreign intervention that the Directors of a riot don’t even try to mask.

“We did a really good job trying to protect the freedom of Hong Kong residents,” said U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo.

Because the White house reaction to Chinese law was followed before its enactment. Washington to cancel the Hong Kong preferential customs regime, prohibits the sale of dual-use technologies, stops issuing visas to Chinese officials, taking the act in defense of HK freedoms.

Beijing responded immediately. “China is not a scared child. No matter how the Hong Kong protesters cried and whatever pressure was affected by external anti-China forces, they will not stop China’s actions and commitment to the national security law of Hong Kong. Their plot will surely fail, and their act is just a piece of waste paper,” said Zhao Lizzani, the official representative of MIL of the PRC.

to Leave in English from its former colony after 23 years of not going and London. Preparing razdat three millions of Hong Kongers passport of Her Majesty. About the British citizenship, however, it is not. But some leaders of the Hong Kong riot to avoid arrests for incitement to overthrow the government, announced the dissolution of their movements and rushed to escape abroad. Wounded police officer with a knife during the riots, incidentally, is also detained — right before flying to London.

head of the Beijing office of the Hong Kong government John Lyug Yai-Yan remembers how powerless was his hometown when the British crown. About the new law argues from a position not of the official, and native honkonga: “Even in the first Chapter of the law clearly States that the principle of “one country, two systems” fully and completely preserved. As well as all rights and freedoms. They are protected by the basic law of Hong Kong, for which China wants peace, stability and development. All this is inherent in the principle of “one country, two systems” — a sort of “capitalism in a socialist country”.

So for Hong Kong residents, nothing will change, no matter how intimidated the West, the Communist threat. Printing in Newspapers, media moguls, like billionaire Jimmy Lai, known for his longtime struggle with Beijing, the horror stories about eaten with a red Chinese dragon autonomy. And about how a new special unit that is created specifically for monitoring compliance with the new law, will arrest all dissenters in a row.

“Lied, that you will send from the Beijing squad Communists drums, and in actual fact created a structure, but there is local work. That, of course, propaganda against the law,” said Ruslan Pockets.

In any case, the garrison of the Chinese army in Hong Kong have already conducted demonstration exercises. But the new law is irrelevant. For the defense of autonomy to respond to the Central government. To support them on the anniversary of the transition of Hong Kong to China on the street also left a lot of people who knows more than China, no one invests.

Hong Kong Hong Kong China called only in the Hong Kong. So it sounds in Cantonese. On the official Chinese — Putonghua — is the Hong Kong. So pronounce the name of the city on the Chinese mainland. But the characters in this case are the same. Does it matter the name, if common between the mainland and Hong Kong Chinese still more.

Text: “News of the week”