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Do not landfill: mistakes in first aid

Do not landfill: mistakes in first aid

In many regions of Russia is hot. Forecasters warn about the dangers of too much intense UV exposure, and physicians are reminded about the rules of first aid for people and errors, which are sometimes allowed in an effort to help the victims of sunstroke or drowning.

the TV channel “Russia 1” Dr. Alexander Myasnikov is reminiscent, above all, about the basic security measures not to get into such a situation.

for Example, not to drink alcohol in the heat, and then go “fool around in the water” or blithely go with the phone during a thunderstorm.

However, if this happened, we must immediately call an ambulance or emergency, and if no heartbeat, then do artificial respiration, indirect heart massage.

the doctor and the presenter warns to follow the “folk methods” – for example, to bury the man was struck by lightning the land or to wipe his armpits with ice.

the butchers Also told how to properly assist someone who is drowning.

the Danger is that water gets into the respiratory tract. And though there may be a few milliliters, this becomes a problem.

No need to knock on the back, to bend, straighten the legs, turn over on your stomach, laying on his stomach on his knee.

“Not necessary. You’re wasting your time. All you have to do is start CPR,” advises the doctor of butchers.

Moreover, the first two mouth to mouth should be as effective to be seen as the victim chest heaving.

And only after that we should start the massage: for two pitching one breath, explains a well-known doctor and TV presenter.

the heat sunstroke first of all it is necessary to call an ambulance, and until it arrives, we must try person cool to get him out of the sun, to impose any wet cloth, if there is ice, then apply it.

“Vinegar grind nothing. Ammonia is not necessary to give! The most important to humanthe EC received a thermal shock, began to cool,” explains the doctor of butchers.

But even after this first aid it is necessary that the victim was examined by doctors because it can be severe arrhythmias, severe electrolyte disturbances, neurological problems – such as ischemic stroke.