During the day, died in Moscow 20 people with coronavirus

Over the past day in Moscow, died, another 20 patients with COVID-19. The total number of deaths was 3, 977 people. Such data on Monday, June 21, representatives of the operational headquarters on control and monitoring of the situation with coronavirus infection.

in 20 deceased patients was confirmed the diagnosis “pneumonia” and received positive tests for coronavirus.

a Day earlier, the operational headquarters reported 32 dead, reminds TASS.

in Moscow recorded 213 946 cases of infection, of which 968 last night — for the first time less than a thousand cases in the period from 9 April. Recovered 135 556 patients. The number recovered per day again exceeded the number of infected and amounted to 1 007 people. In Moscow a campaign of mass voluntary testing of citizens for antibodies to the coronavirus COVID-19.

since the beginning of the pandemic in Russia contracted coronavirus 584 680 people died of 8 111 people, recovered 339 711 patients.