Home Breaking How to choose a good barbecue Roskoshestvo researched popular brands

How to choose a good barbecue Roskoshestvo researched popular brands

How to choose a good barbecue Roskoshestvo researched popular brands

the Barbecue can be safely called the most popular dish for a picnic. Just last year, during the two months the Russians have spent for purchase of prefabricated in the shop about 2.5 billion rubles. At the same time, according to experts, every second skewer does not justify the expectations of buyers and can be detrimental to your health.

How to protect yourself from a defective product? This experts of Roskoshestvo told the TV channel “Russia 1”.

the study involved five brands of pork barbecue: “Crossroads”, “Auchan”, “Azbuka Vkusa”, “Suburb” and “agribusiness”. Samples cost varies on the average from 300 to 700 rubles. Products researched by the following parameters: the safety, organoleptic, freshness, amount of connective tissue, labeling.

tips for choosing a barbecue

When buying meat semi-finished product should pay attention to the amount of pieces — they should be uniform. According to the standard of Roccasecca, is considered ideal weight is about 60-80 grams.

the connective tissue in the meat can become an unpleasant surprise, since the finished product will be chewy. Should give preference to semi-categories A and B. If data are lacking on the label, then you need to focus on the price. Meat category A usually can not be cheaper than 500 rubles.

it is best to choose a shish kebab in a transparent package, not in the bucket, and in the package. So it is possible to explore in more detail the appearance of the product and to understand the size of the pieces. In such a packaging manufacturer will not add a lot of marinade. This means that you will pay for meat, not onions with vinegar.

be Sure to pay attention to storage conditions: temperature should be from 0 to plus 4 degrees.

the Amount of connective tissue and fat depends on the part of a carcass, which is made of a shish kebab. The best product obtained from the neck, loin, tenderloin, and ham.

Some customer.you think: vinegar added with the intention to kill the rotten smell of meat. It is indeed possible, but do so only unscrupulous manufacturers. You can protect yourself in the following way: to prefer kebab, made not in the store, and trade, or buy prefabricated in the tested network.

the Danger of stale meat is that there can grow bacteria. Especially dangerous is their toxins. If you even make a kebab out of a stale product, it is well-marinated, it is detrimental affect on the bacteria, but toxins remain. They will cause toxicity.

What is the barbecue in no case can not eat

a Classic situation: barbecue burnt. As we usually do in this situation? We eat. Poison or not? Technologist Dmitry Zykov has told, that it is absolutely unacceptable thing. In a normal kebab no crust and no burnt parts should not be. The meat can be three types of carcinogens: household soot, benzopyrene, acrylamide.

How to fry a shish kebab, to avoid dangerous carcinogenic crust? Between the skewers should be at least 3-4 inches. The fact that the circulation of heat that occurs is evenly distributed on all the pieces and all the meat — it’s not that one piece of cheese, and the other is ready.

research Results

brand “Crossroads” corresponds to all norms. This kebab is high quality. However, there is a downside: the consistency of dry. Security no complaints.

Auchan – is a minus in the organoleptic and salty taste of the product.

“Azbuka Vkusa” – safe skewers, but the meat is soft enough. Discovered connective tissue, as indicated by the content of hydroxyproline.

Suburbs: this sample has no complaints. This product may qualify for a Russian quality Mark.

“Miratorg”: well,the brand consistency is too dry. Organoleptic indicators are not perfect.

these Are the results of studies of the next release of the program “Test” on TV channel “Russia 1”. In previous programs, experts Roskoshestvo helped to choose a quality chicken breast, sausage and bottled water.