If you're cold nose and hands: what do these symptoms

Doctors say a man is as old as his aged blood vessels. Is it possible to recognize the disease? And what symptoms say about the weakness of our vessels?

About this on air of TV channel “Rossiya 1” says the Vice-President of the Russian society of cardiology, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the clinic at the First Moscow Sechenov medical University Yury Belenkov.

the Doctor says that if it would be possible to fold all the arteries, capillaries and veins of the circulatory system in humans in a line, the total length would be almost 100 thousand kilometers. For comparison: the circumference of the Earth is about 40 thousand kilometers, which is about 2.5 times less.

the Vessels responsible for memory, attention, visual acuity, growth and nutrition of the muscles, sexual function and even your mood, but by the time the vessels will inevitably be changes. The lumen of the vessel narrows, the movement of blood through them difficult.

as a result, people have diseases, which manifest themselves in different ways. Some appears varicose veins, other permanently cold nose and hands.

Another major component of disorders of vascular regulation and vascular tone – weather dependent, poor tolerance of heat. Also can appear edema of the legs and varicose veins, and to some extent, to disturbances of blood vessels include the appearance of light bruises and nosebleeds, said Dr. Belenkov.

the Causes can be hormonal shifts (and, as with the young people that formed the body), and women of 45 , when the menopause starts.

the violation of vascular tone may also lead to neurosis and depression, infektsionnye disease and some internal organs.

the Most serious manifestation in this case is arteriosclerosis which leads to strokes.

In the program about health on the channel “Russia 1” Dr. Belenkov told us who the primary enemies of our cardiovascular system, how can underwires in bras from Gettbring her defeat, and what to do if the first signs have already appeared.

Earlier, the doctor told me about the stenting of blood vessels.