In 2022 on the Yamal Peninsula will open the international Arctic station

On the Yamal Peninsula by 2022 will open the international research station “snowflake”. The new center will be engaged in the study of renewable energy, reports GTRK “Yamal”.

“This Playground will be a multidisciplinary, wide. It will have the necessary capabilities to test different technologies, not directly related to energy. For example, in the field of medicine, telekommunikatsii, Internet of things and “smart villages”. And the list is not limited,” — said the Executive Director of the Institute of Arctic technologies MFTI Yury Vasiliev.

the Arctic research station will consist of several modules, domes, and work through renewable energy sources. First, wind generators, and in the summer the solar panels. In case of lack of wind or sun, will be applied the method of electrolysis of water. Thus, to produce hydrogen for heating the object.

the Approximate cost of the project is 10 to 12 million euros. It is known that the station will conduct research on climate change of the Arctic Council and the environment.

“the Concept is fully consistent with the principles underlying the Russian Federation’s chairmanship in the Arctic Council. One of the main areas will be the challenge of sustainable development. That is why we have made this project for consideration by the working group of the Arctic Council”, — the Ambassador at large, senior Arctic official of the Arctic Council from Russia Nikolay Korchunov.

Text: STRC “Yamal”