In Moscow clinics coronavirus else 2255 patients

In the capital, has recovered after undergoing treatment for coronavirus infection 2 255 patients, said Deputy Moscow mayor Anastasia Rakova. In total, the capital has recovered from the infection already 118 024 person.

Previously, Rakova said that population immunity to coronavirus COVID-19 in the capital formed 17.4 percent of Muscovites. In the last 2 weeks, the rate in Moscow increased by 5 percent.

In the capital, made 2.8 million tests PCR and 600 thousand studies on the presence of antibodies. Ill share the results of PCR and CLIA tests is reduced more than 40 percent suffer asymptomatic, quotes Anastasia Rakov official telegram-channel operational headquarters of Moscow on the situation with coronavirus.

the night Before it was reported: in Moscow has died the 49 patients with confirmed pneumonia and positive results of tests for coronavirus. Operational staff urged to stay home if any symptoms of SARS and not to self-medicate.