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In the “Classmates” will be held a round table with famous people about the lives of children with down syndrome

In the

the social network “Odnoklassniki” will be a virtual roundtable in support of the educational project “Books upside down” — the series of this video, in which children with down syndrome along with artists read excerpts from their favorite books, share experiences, ask questions and get answers.

the Event will be held on 7 July at 18:00 format video, OK group charitable Fund downside Up.

the Participants will discuss the changing attitudes of society towards people with down syndrome and to announce the start of the “Books upside down”. Viewers in the chat can ask questions of the program and the families with Sunny children.

Lead a round table is a radio host Eva Korsakov. Among the guests: journalist and writer Leonid Parfenov, TV presenter tutta Larsen, CEO of the Fund “Syndrome of love” Yulia Laricheva, as well as parents of children with down syndrome themselves are solar children.

during the round table will discuss the complexity of people with genetic feature in the form of an extra chromosome, about their successes and life stories. And, of course, about books. The project “Books upside down” is designed to tell the public that people with down syndrome have their own preferences in literature and art.