In the Urals mentally ill bully was sentenced to 14 years in prison

Psychopath of Chelyabinsk region has sentenced. It is reported by the correspondent of the site Exhibitionist hunted in the Leninsky district of Magnitogorsk.

Victims 38-year-old exhibitionist was a little girl. He usually was waiting for them in the hallways of apartment houses on the street spondylitis, but not only there: similar cases have also occurred in other surrounding buildings.

“by Their criminal actions the accused caused the victim moral suffering. In addition, he was instrumental in the formation of standards is immoral, indecent behavior,” – said the regional Prosecutor’s office.

In the end, the examination conducted during the investigation, officially confirmed that the defendant suffers from disorder of sexual preference in the form of exhibitionism. However, he married, formally employed and previously convicted was not. But this did not save him from severe punishment. The attacker in the result, was sentenced to 14 years in prison. To serve time it will be in the colony.

Text: STRC “South Ural”