Is it always cancer? The reasons that women may experience chest pain

According to statistics in the world every ten women is diagnosed with breast cancer. Only in Russia every year this diagnosis is about 50 thousands of women. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, but indicate whether it pain, or are there other causes?

These questions on air of TV channel “Russia-1” were discussed by the doctor of medical Sciences, head physician of the Moscow clinical hospital in MEDSI Tatiana Shapovalenko and candidate of medical Sciences, gynecologist Catherine Zhumanova.

They say that any pain can’t be normal, and if something hurts, it is a signal, because pain is the main protector of our body.

However the causes of pain in the breast can be different. And the first experts called the wrong underwear.

“Often there are tabs, for example, silicone, which is very much disrupt thermoregulation and compress the chest more than is necessary. As a result, notes Zhumanova, then there is pain and mild swelling”.

At the same time it would be a mistake when the pain is just to change underwear and leave it at that. In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor to exclude more serious causes.

Another possible cause is mastitis. As the doctors say it is diagnosed, which put quite a large number of women.

In fact, said Zhumanova, this benign change of the breast, which is indeed often accompanies hormonal changes in women at a certain age.

However, this also requires accurate diagnosis – this self-diagnosis impossible.

in addition, the doctors, the breast responds to hormones, if a woman takes them, the phase of the cycle, for age-related hormonal changes.

When there are cyclical changes in estrogen, possible and fibrocystic mastopathy. This is how the rule requires dynamic observation and symptomatic treatment, that is,

Another possible cause is a thrombophlebitis of the subcutaneous veins of the breast.

the Diagnosis, says gynecologist, extremely rare, and their task is to deliver it yourself you can’t, can only pay attention to any changes in the breast.

one of the diagnoses that occurs quite often is a breast cyst.

the Doctor Zhumanova draws attention to the fact that it requires dynamic monitoring, and in some cases biopsy.

as for fear of the development of oncological diseases, pain syndrome for malignancy of the breast rarely happens first – as a rule, it occurs already in advanced cases.

it is Therefore important at least the woman regularly palpate the chest to draw attention to the seals, if they occur, and in this case, go immediately to the doctor.

On the question of when you need to be wary, experts list out a few situations.

first, if there is a genetic predisposition to breast cancer. This means that the woman should be more careful to treat yourself, doing surveys often and it is advisable to take a genetic test.

But the guard and ran already to run to the doctor in that case, when there is a discharge from the nipple (they are completely different).

“If you are just finished lactation, no nipple discharge in women should not be”, — says Ekaterina Zhumanova and encourages to pay attention, do not change the skin of the breast – it can also be an alarming symptom.

If she fears the cancer and any disturbing factors (especially age 45+), then it stands together with the gynecologist and mammalogy to understand how a change in hormones, and if it is heavily modified, to understand how to restore it.

This, say experts in the Studio can be doneneeds to be run and phytoestrogens, and some additives, but may be assigned more serious treatment.