Khusnullin: mortgage at 6.5 percent - this is the measure that shot

the lower falls building, the less will the economy fall. This formula for success in the TV channel “Russia 24” led by the Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin. He spoke about how to avoid that fall, which the construction industry has seen in the crisis year 2009.

— Mr Khusnullin, Hello! You said that the construction industry has almost recovered from coronaries. And yet, it will take any additional measures to support the construction industry?

— the Construction sector is very inertial. That is what we very quickly made a decision, let us seriously slow down the fall. For example, a mortgage in April fell in the country minus 40 percent, but in June we almost played her! The fact that the President literally since April 16 held a meeting on April, 18th we released a government resolution (two days) and since April 18 began issuing banks, especially advanced, as VTB mortgage. As a result, only in the economy of housing construction, it’s 100 billion. What is 100 billion? This 40 thousand people have already received loans, which will pay much less than before, and 170 thousand applications. That is, the measure shot into the top ten.

But I want to say that the construction is not only construction of houses, and public order. According to the state order we also very good go. Paradoxical just the data, but we, in spite of the coronavirus, has exceeded capital expenditures compared to the previous year by 145 percent! What is 145 percent? This is 108-110 billion plus came to the economy. It is also an anti-crisis measure! And when we have the President discussed at the meeting, the builders said: “Vladimir Vladimirovich, most importantly — give us the opportunity to work!” . And that’s when the decision was made as to give the opportunity to work, observing all security measures. Every region, every head Rthe region, each Builder worked measures as possible to work, but to minimize the losses from the coronavirus. And look, we have the effect — instead of falling at a construction site for state capital investment we’re going to the growth. I think it is worth it, it’s our job, that the job of the government, and staff work that we are now with all the governors are. And, of course, hoping thus to minimize losses. But, I say again that, of course, the inertia of the industry will lead to losses, because, for example, the commissioning of housing is already minus 5 percent. We hope that, maybe, all these measures, we will suspend. Because in previous crises, unfortunately, we have fallen to minus 30 percent. That’s our key task is to prevent such a fall.

— do you Have some kind of design goal, how much year to fall off the building?

— While I would consider the ideal option, if we “fell” to minus 10. For us, it’s not perfect, but very acceptable option. But for the sake of objectivity I must say that we have Moscow with Moscow oblast stood for 2 months, and Moscow region — 25 percent of all housing construction in the country. So it already gives serious concern. Plus, the problems started from small builders, in medium. If a large more-or-less afloat, the number of regions, I see the developers are either not fully recovered or has not begun construction. See that obtaining construction permits has slowed down. It is even more dangerous trend! It’s one thing to finish the started, and second, if developers do not start new projects, so they have some economic doubts. Therefore, our task is to understand in detail every region, and to understand that where you need to do to still to avoid falling. Because I’m not just saying that to prevent the fall, because I am responsible for the conuyu industry. The fact that last year the construction industry from 20 trillion taxes gave 3.5 trillion of taxes, along with related industries, directly affecting the construction site. If you remove 40 percent of oil and gas revenues, then the entire rest of the economy 25 percent share of the construction. That is, each work site offers up to 5-6 persons working in other industries. So we have a construction project identified as one of the anti-crisis measures. The smaller fall in the construction site, the lower will fall the economy in the whole country. That is the key task over which we work.

— We talked a few weeks ago, and you said that the experience of the construction of hospital complexes during coronavirus has shown that regulatory mechanisms can be a lot to change in a positive way, to speed up the construction. Something in this direction plan to do?

— If you watched the President’s speech, he once again reminded. The head of state is not the first time last month talking about it. Don’t just plan — we have prepared a set of measures. In General, we prepared in the plan 172 proposals that directly relate to construction and urban planning, and housing, and about 30 indirect measures. That is more than 200 activities in the national plan. And there are serious proposals in the town planning regulatory mechanisms in regulatory mechanisms of technical regulations, standards. Because, frankly I must say that they have significantly out of date and have to cancel, the part needs work, it will seriously speed up the construction and add, in addition to the speed, quality, and new technologies. I think this is one of the breakthrough measures, including digital construction. We have set ourselves the task in the first place, as the contractors go for the design in BIM-technology, the passage of expertise in BIM technologies. And what is it? This gives improved quality, reduces time and reduces future maintenance costs. This iscoy breakthrough! What many countries the last decades, we want two years to pass this way, and, at least in the state order to rebuild their brains in the first place we want.

— Mr Khusnullin, another issue you mentioned is the implementation of infrastructure projects. You told me that in some regions even more than 100 percent, are incorporated in the projects ‘ indicators, at a faster pace. How it is possible in the period of coronaries? And would it be necessary then to expand the national projects, more money is allocated?

— the Main request, which we asked the President not to limit it. This result has already proved itself. Under the national project “Safe and high-quality roads” we are ahead of schedule compared to last year twice. Despite the fact that there was a crisis, despite the fact that there were some glitches with the supply of materials, labor movement, there were restrictions for a week, 10 days, two weeks. But we on road construction did not fall, but rather increased. One region (today, I proudly told the President), the Belgorod region, the national project “Safe and quality roads,” this year performed at 100 percent. And the next measure that we have of the President discussed today that I was asked to give extra money at the expense of temporarily free balances within the budget. It is not all the money used in the course of the year to now we have been given these temporary money, and then at the end of the year, who will have the underperformance of the current, we the money they would be replaced. Here’s a practice we also worked. This year we produced the first money, already this week — some 44 billion, and that 25 of the regions that will receive depdagri. Then there are those who build bigger and better will receive additional funding. And we due to the fact that the more we build, the more money in the economy comes. And, most importantly, people RAnshi will see a renovated and built new roads. This is the most important in General, in addition to the economy.

Thank you for the interview!