Professor Kurt explained the low mortality rate from coronavirus in Germany

a Fairly low mortality rate from coronavirus COVID-19 in Germany — about 4.6 percent of deaths from the total number of cases — may be attributed to several reasons. This was told in an interview with RBC Professor at a leading German University clinic “charité” Tobias Kurt.

First of all, the authorities of Germany had time to prepare for the epidemic, he says. The German healthcare system was well prepared, and the government has strengthened it even stronger — in particular, make sure a sufficient supply of hospital beds for patients. Also, from the very beginning of the epidemic, have conducted a lot of tests that helped to eliminate clusters of infection and to bring down the rate of spread.

the Third reason may be associated with the social structure of Germany, said Kurt. In southern Europe the elderly are more integrated into the family and live with their relatives in the same house. As a result, if one family member became infected, the probability of infection elderly family members automatically increases and the risk of death for the elderly, known to be very high. In Germany several generations rarely live in the same house, respectively, the indicators in this country are quite different.

however, when comparing the situation in different countries, it is more correct to compare mortality between populations of the same age, says Professor Kurt. “If we compare the risk of mortality among people over 80 years in countries with roughly similar conditions, in terms of health, I think, will get approximately the same results,” he said.

it is Worth noting that the mortality rate from coronavirus infection in Russia is even lower — less than half a percent.

with regard to the risk of infection for patients, the new coronavirus, according to Kurt, yet to be explored in more detail. Doctors know that the virus affects multiple organs, but it is not known whether its effects are chronic, whether they osilivatSya or disappear.

the Virus is difficult, it is not a common cold and has a lot of features, says the Professor. In some patients no symptoms at all, others it leaves serious consequences — for example, problems with breathing and lungs. Some young people can’t exercise even after three or four months after illness.

“We still have things to figure out. It is hoped that the virus does not cause serious chronic changes in the body,” — said Kurt.