Running traffic on ring road from Mozhaisk to Novorizhskoye highway

an Important stage of construction of the Central ring road completed in the suburbs. Today has opened traffic on the section from Mozhaisk to Novorizhskoye highway. The launch of the Central ring road in the future will significantly relieve the provincial highway, especially concrete ring, which is now choking in traffic. By the end of the year, a large portion of the highway will be ready.

the First cars had to drive here until the end of the year, but the builders were ahead of schedule by several months. From Mozhaisk to Novorizhskoye highway can now be reached comfortably in a bypass settlements on the new four-lane highway. This is another 23-kilometre section of the Central ring road — the most ambitious road project last time.

“in July, We will open a few areas separate. They may be not so important, but they are also part of the Central ring. Then we are preparing to launch two large sites more than 100 kilometers,” — said Marat Khusnullin, Deputy Chairman of the RF government.

One of the longest sections of the Central ring — the fifth — is now ready exactly half, and the construction continues. Now way relieves the streets of Zvenigorod, saving the city from transit Avtomatika. With the launch of new sections 330-kilometer ring road will reduce the load on the Moscow ring road and outbound motorways.

“For us it is the economy, and definitely a convenience for people. This will definitely unload the Moscow ring road which is congested as it is transit road. So for us it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the Central ring road”, — said Andrey Vorobyev, Governor of Moscow region.

the Road will illuminate the latest led lights are not blind drivers, and the coating is then made using the most modern technologies. Even the top layer of asphalt, which wears out the fastest, you can’t change over the years.

“in 5-7 years we’ll see how it intensity — and it is only the geometric dimensions of the roadsI. And the repair is not sooner than in 12 years of coming here,” says Vyacheslav Petushenko, Chairman of the Board of GC “Russian automobile roads”.

the Fifth section of the Central ring is free, the fare for the rest of the plan to charge approximately 2 cents per mile. The track will be really fast.

“what we can say has already been agreed, it is probably the speed of 130 kilometers per hour. Now we are discussing the possibility to increase speed up to 150 kilometers per hour. I think that in the course of this year the decision we will take,” said Eugene Dietrich, Minister of transport of the Russian Federation.

a Large part of the Central ring road should start later this year. In this place of the Central ring was built from scratch and reconstructed the old road. Instead of two lanes there are now four. Tubes for heavy trucks won’t be here anymore.

Text: “to Conduct-Moscow”