The head of the Federation of Jewish communities admired civil and political courage of Putin

the head of the Federation of Jewish communities of Russia Alexander Boroda admired civil and political courage of Putin – President of Russia calls a spade a spade, calls people by their actions that unpopular in a world that promotes collaboration, compromise, mashing aspects of the history.

This is a response to the words of Vladimir Putin, who called the Polish Ambassador in Germany supporting the Holocaust, “bastard” and “pig anti-Semitic”. It was about Jozef Lipski, who served as Ambassador from 1934 to 1939. It was a rebuke of the President deputies of the European Parliament, which previously blamed the beginning of World war II including the Soviet Union. The head of state reminded that in Moscow the last of the major powers signed the Berlin Treaty of non-aggression.

“We understand that the Polish Jew is the most affected part of the Jewish people — said Beard. — From three and a half million people remained alive only half a million, a million children have died. And, unfortunately, many poles were accomplices of Nazism. And when Poland does not make mistakes and does not give real legal assessment of what happened during the war, it leads to a repetition of history.”

Here is genuine, not a made-up story nobody in the West does not like. The country, which the actual support of the Nazis, do not want to accept responsibility for the outbreak of the Second World war.

the TV Channel “Russia 24” gives historical background about the Polish diplomat Jozef Lipski. In 1934, Lipsky was appointed Ambassador to Berlin. Did not hide their sympathies for the Nazis. Tried to appear close to the leaders of the third Reich. There are many pictures of him with Hitler. Often talked with Goebbels and chief Executive of the Holocaust — the Reichsfuhrer-SS Himmler.

That Lipsky has signed the German-Polish non-aggression Pact in 1934. Moreover, as reported by the Polish General Haller, Berlin and Warsaw, then in prisonor agreement against the Soviet Union. Warsaw he asked for the Berlin part of the territories of Ukraine and Lithuania.

Save a report of Jozef Lipski on a conversation with Hitler in 1939. It contains a promise to thank the führer for sending Jews to the African colony monument in Warsaw. The West to punish Lipsky did not. And after the war in 1951, the man who supported the Holocaust, quietly moved to the USA. Seven years later he died peacefully in Washington.