The scandal with the Ukrainian President explained the difficulties of translation

lost in translation — the reason for the scandal that occurred in Romania after the publication of Vladimir Zelensky on the occasion of Day of unity of Ukraine on January 19. This statement was made by the office of the Ukrainian President. Blame did English. Rather, the translation of speech of the Ukrainian President in the English language.

Ukraine’s Ambassador to Romania Alexander Banks expressed regret that this unpleasant situation has arisen because of mistranslation and unwarranted interpretations. He explained that Zelensky reflected on the events of a century ago. And among other things mentioned that “most of the territory of Galicia was occupied by Polish troops, the Northern Bukovina — Romania and Transcarpathia was ceded to Czechoslovakia.” As noted by TASS, the word “occupied” has been translated as occupied — “occupied”.

After a diplomatic scandal and the requirements of the Bucharest clarifications and “the need of a correct understanding of history” the word occupied on the official website of Vladimir Zelensky was replaced by taken.

Another diplomatic scandal happened in Vladimir Zelensky in Jerusalem. Here he is on the commemoration of the Holocaust refused to take a seat in the audience at the forum at the Museum “Yad Vashem”.