Home Breaking The situation in the United States: vandalism and cheating

The situation in the United States: vandalism and cheating

The situation in the United States: vandalism and cheating

50% for Biden vs 44% for trump — so according to СNBC looks pre-election America. Thanks to the daily leaks and scandals involving the incumbent democratic nominee in the lead already in six States. Most ethnically diverse — Nevada, Texas and Georgia – Biden drew a list of candidates-African-American to the Supreme court. A multimillion-dollar Asian electorate in California and new York cannot forgive Trump intolerant “kung flu” — as head of the White house now calls coronavirus.

Red, though not in the range of black-and-white protest, but the bright paint is visible from afar. Another mutilated monument — a statue of Washington in new York. Vandals encroached on the image of the first President of the United States, captured with street cameras and wanted. They face up to 10 years in prison.

Perhaps, came the vandals from the camp. Anarchists settled under the Windows of the city Council. Another Autonomous area behind the Seattle, Richmond, Washington, the tents pitched in Manhattan. The police are not allowed, but it is permission and not asking. This morning the demonstrators came to disperse.

Dispersed and Autonomous zone in Seattle. The mayor Durkan changed his mind and sent security forces to the anarchists. There is already arrested 10 of the demonstrators.

But the enthusiasm of the police and may soon diminished. They are cutting budgets. In new York the police would wipe $ 1 billion. The money will go to educational programs. More and planned a thousand new employees to the service will not take.

the Movement of “Black lives matter” occurs in the American army. From the Pentagon’s demand to rename a dozen military bases. For example, Fort Gordon in Georgia and Fort hill in Virginia. They are named in honor of generals who fought for the Confederacy in the civil war, and thus supported slavery. The idea was approved in Congress, and representatives of both parties. But trump is strongly against the change signs. The President said he would veto the military budget if it will be amended to rename.

the President is focused on the front campaign — hit the competitor where it hurts in the head. His 77-year-old opponent’s words will be forgotten, the wrong way. Trump showed the face of surdopedagogics who has no idea what Joe Biden says.

Biden’s forehead asks about cognitive capacity: if checked, journalists asked the presidential candidate. And he was already examined.

“were constantly going through. Look, I can’t wait to compare my cognitive abilities the cognitive abilities of a man against whom I lead the election campaign,” said Biden.

If memory does not fail, Biden, of course, ask trump about the crafty Russian, who pay the Taliban for the killing of Americans in Afghanistan. The next portion of the mythical letters shared on the eve of The New York Times. The entire mouthpiece of the democratic propaganda about it now though, except the words of some sources not presented any evidence.

“the President of the United States should not invite Russia to join the “big seven” or “eight”. We should consider what sanctions are appropriate to deter further malicious activities of Russia, and not to include it among the civilized countries”, — said the head of the house Committee on intelligence, Adam Schiff.

the U.S. defense Secretary said the Pentagon there is no evidence of a newspaper article. Trump says: exploration of it, nothing similar was reported.

“History of the Russian reward — another concocted false news. She was told only to hurt me and the Republican party. Secret source probably does not exist, as this very story. If diskreditirovannogo newspaper the New York Times has a source, let him reveal it. Another deception!” — said trump.

on the Eve of the White House for clarification, invited representatives of both parties. Separate briefings held for Democrats and Republicans. The mood in Congress was fighting.

“Enemies of America should know and should never doubt that, whether the Russians or anyone else on American troops, it will have a very quick and deadly response”, — said the member of the house of representatives Liz Cheney.

it turned Out that in the spring before the CIA heard a rumor about the alleged Russian payments to the Taliban. But confirmation of information is not found, and the President did not commit. On the weekend, Trump explained everything. But, as noted by his national security Advisor, because of the constant theft of data to the press before the truth can never be reached.