The smell of diesel fuel dizzy as the cleaning of tundra from the fuel

After the fuel spill under the Norilsk rescuers collected from soil 1.5 thousand cubic meters of oil products, reported in the MOE. The company “Gazprom Neft” has deployed its personnel and equipment to assist in the aftermath. Depressurization of one of the tanks occurred at the end of may. The incident received the status of an emergency situation at the Federal level.

Before the next piece of work to get on the ATVs. Spots and even whole lakes of diesel fuel are scattered in a radius of several kilometers. From the air gives them a brown color, and on the earth is strongest smell of fuel, from which even experienced oil begins to feel dizzy. To work, you have to wear a respirator.

– Here, look — it’s all diesel fuel. For about 40 percent. Water is almost not visible.

In local waters now thousands of tons of poisoning all life of diesel fuel. But it’s not just the quantity. Toxic stains everywhere: in the main riverbed and in the adjacent streams, and swamps. This area of tundra is literally saturated with fuel.

People and cargo transported by helicopters, although Norilsk is about 20 km. It is not only off-road. Heavy trucks can damage already affected the tundra ecosystem.

From poisoning nature makes a real team. The special squad of the company “Gazprom Neft” experts of the four cities: Saint Petersburg, Noyabrsk, Megion, Khanty-Mansiysk. 72 experienced oilman and dozens of tons of special equipment.

Spots of diesel initially surrounded by protective booms. They didn’t give the film of fuel to go farther downstream. Now out of these traps the oil pumped in the container.

In the day, the rescuers and the oil companies expect to collect 1.5 thousand tons. Then the territory must be treated with sorbents to diesel fuel is not gone.

“In connection with the wind and tides there is a rise of water. Spots move in the waters, enter the lake, constantly having to change the deployment, conduct razvedkiin both top and bottom, to seek out such spots. Quickly disaterous to the point, localize the space taken nefasturris liquid and repeat all over again,” says Viktor Sorokin, head of Department for industrial safety of the company “Gazprom Neft”.

In two shifts and almost round the clock — in this mode of operation continues and in the CHP-3.

“We brought 85 tons of equipment. Flew two planes Il-86, Board staff, and after we dovozili equipment two helicopters. We brought 15 tons of sorbent and 6 posts for collecting oil,” — said Viktor Sorokin, head of Department for industrial safety of the company “Gazprom Neft”.

Since the accident it has been 10 days, but rescuers continue to take out hundreds of cubic meters of contaminated soil. The land has absorbed nearly 100 rail tank cars of diesel fuel.

Temporary storage facility with a mind more like a large air mattress. Inside is a mixture of diesel fuel and dirt.

For liquidation of consequences closely watched not only by the environmentalists and experts. To the spill site arrived the indigenous inhabitants of these places. For Nemtsov and Dolganov these lands special. The peoples of the North live here for hundreds of years. The ritual of feeding the spirits as a kind of apology to the river.

“We had a ritual of feeding the river, turned to the spirits of the river. But without modern tools can not do” — says Sergey Sizonenko, head of the Taimyr local regional public organization for the development of civil initiatives “Together”.

to Collect the diesel fuel of the crashed plan in two weeks. But the restoration will not end. The most optimistic projections for it to recover from such a knockout of oil, the ecosystem will take several years.