the Ministry of the environment of Moscow region residents warned about the emergence in area of Lukhovitsy large wolf pack.

she was seen near the villages of Beloomut, Kadanak, Olshany and Forest.

Information about the appearance of wolves near human settlements have already been transferred in the Moscow region, the Ministry of agriculture, whose staff must take measures to ensure that predators are not a danger to people.

“Maybe the pack came from the national Park “Meschera”, located in the Vladimir region”, – stated in the message Department.

In the regional Ministry of ecology advised not to walk in the woods unnecessarily, as the wolves will not go away.

Also, the report makes specific recommendations on how to behave if suddenly you stumble upon the wolf-a loner or a pack of wolves.

In particular, in no event it is impossible to look the beast in the eye, as this may provoke him to aggression.

If the beast pinned his ears to his head and sat down, so he is ready to jump.

to Escape from a wolf is meaningless in this case, the chances of saving the person does not have.

to Try to escape, only to climb the nearest tall tree. However, the wolves are incredible patient, so I have to sit on it until assistance.

If the wolf still attacked, we must try to hit it on the most sensitive spot – the nose, or grab his throat and push with all his strength.

In this case there is a chance that the animal recognizes his defeat and escape, noted in the report of the Ministry of ecology of Moscow region.

if the wolf has bitten or scratched a person, it is urgent to consult the doctors, because these animals often have rabies, and if not done at the time of the required vaccinations, to save the victim will not succeed.

Signs of rabies in wolves are tail between its legs, dull hair, dull gaze, strongly drooping head, and excessive salivation.