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Was “pasty”: Nadezhda Babkina said doubting her illness


the TV channel “Russia-1” Nadezhda Babkina admits that on the night of April 9 she had her second birthday.

“I had a lot of, say, travel, but nothing like that. I never experienced it. And no one is willing” — says a famous singer and I wish health to all – including those who, looking at her blooming appearance, doubt whether she had been ill with the coronavirus severe.

Babkin says she knows some stories about her illness’t believe it, but she says that never lies.

“you Can be anything and does not coincide with what you tell. Therefore it is better to tell the truth, even if it is not very pleasant,” says the artist.

as for her blooming appearance, that Babkina is sure: it is necessary to look good to to them: do not despair.

“Even if someone carries a serious illness, we must still pay attention to yourself. Especially girls, women. It also stimulates” – sure Hope Babkin.

Remembering how to begin the disease and how she spent two weeks in a coma, the singer does not cease to thank the doctors, and his condition described as “pasty”.

“Woke up this morning and felt bad immediately. And bad thoroughly. Suddenly the temperature rose. Had a weakness, some kind of pasty condition. To be honest, this symptoms I have never been,” — says the singer.

surprise she forgot all the mobile phones of doctors, and called the regular city ambulance.

Then there was two weeks in intensive care in an induced coma when she’s like from another world watched the bustling doctors, and then – the hardest way out of this situation.

Nadezhda Georgievna remembers: she was completely helpless: the left forces from the legs, arms. “Everything was hanging like a whip. I re-learned to walk as a small child,” says achistka, but adds that there was no fear.

“If you fear, it will weaken even more. In this situation it is necessary to help yourself and your doctors. It is necessary to unite”,-said Babkin.

Now she continues the program of rehabilitation, as long as no one knows what can be complications after kovida, but allows himself the small joys of life.

What dish wanted Nadezhda Babkina immediately after a desire is? Where she picked up the coronavirus, if you observed all precautions?
What mystique sees the date of their second birthday? He recalls the time in the hospital in a coma? One hundred and talks about his childhood and marriage, which for her was a great tragedy?

this is a story of Hope Babkin Boris Korchevnikov on the TV channel “Russia 1” in the first part of the program “the Destiny of man”.

Tomorrow, 16 June, the continuation of a conversation with the singer, thanks to which millions of people not only in Russia but in other countries, fell in love with the Russian folk song.