Zhirinovsky: the Soviet Union destroyed the one-party system

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, expressed his opinion about the cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union. LDPR leader believes that one of the main factors that “killed” the Union was a one party system.

If the Communist party was divided into two parties – conservative and social-democratic, “the Soviet Union would be eternal,” said Zhirinovsky. Between the two parties would be “real competition”, quotes the politician RIA Novosti.

Zhirinovsky founded the liberal democratic party of the Soviet Union in 1990. It was one of the first batch of speakers as an alternative to the Communist party. In 1991 it was re-registered and became known as the liberal democratic party — liberal democratic party of Russia.

Soviet Union collapsed on December 25, 1991 – the day when Mikhail Gorbachev declared that leaves a post of the President. Earlier, on December 8, it was signed the agreement: the leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus proclaimed the creation of the CIS and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.