In Moscow is automatically extended all the working digital pass

Moscow is automatically extended to June 14, all working digital pass. However, in the mayor’s office is recommended before traveling to check the validity of your document. This can be done on the portal You also need to make sure to pass “attached” the correct number of car or transport cards, said the TV channel “Russia 24”.

the Procedure for obtaining a new pass is not changed you can register on the portal by sending SMS to the number 7377 or call the service of the government of Moscow +7 (495) 777-77-77. For travel by car to pass, be sure to “snap” her license plate, and when traveling by public transport — number of transport cards. A new permit should be issued no later than five hours prior to the trip. The penalty for travel without a pass is 5 thousand rubles.

However, the issue working pass their own staff can now only specifying the data of the Russian passport. Foreign nationals to obtain a work pass, you should refer to the employer.

From may 29 on the website of the mayor and government of Moscow became available to the search function of digital badges by phone number. It will allow people to see a list of their passes, for example, in the case of their loss. Before the Muscovites who have lost their pass-mindedness or carelessness, had to go to tech support and to wait for consideration of the application, and now they can in just a minute to find their own data, writes TASS.

the Service “Digital pass” also gives the opportunity to employers to centrally issue passes for all employees. They can do this in a private office of a legal entity on the website If the employer has difficulty making it can get the necessary assistance on the portal