Home Breaking Historian Sokolov refused a lawyer because of the threats

Historian Sokolov refused a lawyer because of the threats

Historian Sokolov refused a lawyer because of the threats

the Accused in the murder of PhD student historian Oleg Sokolov, declared that refuses services of his lawyer Alexander Pochueva and his assistant because of the threat of reprisals against them, reports TASS.

He asked that his interests were represented by another lawyer — Lukyanov Sergey. Hearing on the case deferred to June 22.

it was reported that Sokolov is accused of the brutal murder of PhD student Anastasia Yeshchenko. In November of last year in Petersburg historian drew police officers from the Moyka river with a backpack, in which was discovered human remains. Later, fragments of arms and body of a man found in his apartment and removed from the washer a few kilometers from his home.

As has established a consequence, the victim of a historian was a postgraduate student of SPbSU Anastasia Yeshchenko, which Sokolov had a relationship. He is accused of murder and illegal possession of weapons.