Metropolitan Hilarion said the reasons for the removal of children from families

domestic violence should be the only reason to remove children from the family, said the TV channel “Russia 24” the head of the Department for external Church relations (DECR) of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion.

He believes that the authorities in Russia, in some cases, their duties are somewhat formal. “We often hear that there was some tragedy in the family, with the care that family didn’t pay any attention,” acknowledged the Bishop.

In the program “Church and world” Hilarion said that the reasons for removal of children must be really serious. For example, alcoholism of one or both parents, and the child is systematically exposed to violence, and his life and health in serious danger. But financial difficulties should not be a reason to remove the child, said the Metropolitan. On the contrary – this situation should be cause to take care of this family and to create conditions for the development of children in it. And parents should not raise children with an eye on any outsiders who may invade their homes and take away children.