Academician told about the main challenge in creating a vaccine from COVID-19

Doctor of biological Sciences, academician of the RAS Sergei purpose said in an interview to “Russia 24”, what are the challenges scientists have to overcome when creating protivokariosnoe vaccine.

According to him, the new virus behaves like the “classic parasite” – builds its proteins on a protein basis human micro molecules of RNA. Further, the virus multiplies inside the body of a new host. And the person passing by of other people, can infect them too. To prevent the process of reproduction of the virus, you need to limit his access biosynthesis. The vaccine will strengthen the human immune system that can resist the attempts of the virus to multiply.

to Create a preventive immune response is the main objective in vaccination against COVID-19. However, the formation of immune response not fast – about 2-3 weeks, specified purpose. As with vaccination against other dangerous infections, the person will enter the weakened cells or components of the virus that the body called “trained immune system.” In the future when faced with the real virus it will be able to give a ready immune response.

“When you infect a real virus, this immune response will protect you. We all go through the cycle of vaccinations is not that other, as a protective immunization,” explained the academician.

scientists have suggested that the vaccine СОVID-19 can enter into the national immunization schedule – many immunologists believe that this virus came, “the long haul”. But will this vaccine work life, or have each season to develop new, yet still a big question over which scientists are fighting.

Previously, the work on the vaccine reported in the CPS and SSC of Virology and biotechnology “Vector”. Scientists project that the vaccine will be ready by mid-September of the current year. However, analysis in their forecasts are less optimistic and calls most of veroiajoint creation date ready for widespread use of the vaccine that passed all test on animals and people, only next year. With each country likely to be several options for vaccines.