BCG against COVID-19: what's new scientists have learned about the coronavirus

World science — the search for a vaccine and effective way of treating coronavirus infection. Great interest for scientists features of population immunity among residents of different countries. It turned out that in regions where there were mass vaccination campaigns, the epidemic is milder than in States where there was no such vaccination. For example, lowest mortality rate in Switzerland explain to vaccinations for pneumococcus, and in Russia — the BCG vaccination, that is vaccination against tuberculosis.

“we Have almost the minimum mortality from this infection. Many are trying to explain is that in a certain period of Russia and the Soviet Union had a unique program on compulsory vaccination of the population against a number of infections. But today strictly scientific evidence of this effect, we do not have”, — said Vladimir Chekhonin, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of section, biomedical Sciences.

This direction of research is promising. And scientists have yet to figure out what role the BCG vaccine plays in the formation of resistance against COVID-19.

Now, the coronavirus is studied thoroughly. A curious fact: the doctors confirmed that coronavirus infection is not transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy. In Russia a positive status has been revealed more than 2,5 thousand pregnant women. The children, as the doctors say, were born sterile, that is healthy: coronavirus cannot pass through the placental barrier.

In children under three years have a good immunity. By the way, this is one reason why they do not need to wear masks.

“Little children, fortunately, coronavirus infection do not get sick as adults. They need a large viral load. And longer contact with the virus. Small children suffer mostly from home, in close contact. Fleeting infections, when the child was on the street, fortunately, not yet been recorded. Only close contacts within the family”, — said Yevgeny Timakov, Director of the medical center, pediatrician, infectious disease, vaccinologist.

In Japan conducted the study, is it possible to wear masks to little kids. The answer is unequivocal — no. Moreover, experts warn of their danger to toddlers up to three years.

“Masks for small children on the street are not needed — they are dangerous! Violation of the regulation, and can not control regurgitation in children. We can not control whether there is enough baby of oxygen” — said Evgeny Timakov.

wearing a mask makes breathing difficult little child may lead to suffocation. In hot weather the baby with a closed face is overheating — this creates additional strain on the heart and can also lead to heat stroke.

Text: Meteotest