Glavgosekspertiza approved the creation of a yacht Marina in Balaclava

Experts of the Crimean branch of Glavgosekspertiza of Russia issued a positive opinion on the creation of the Marina in Balaklava Bay. In the future, the Marina will be able to provide 600 Parking of small vessels. But you must first carry out cleaning and dredging of the Balaklava Bay, to clear the coastal strip. Also have to reconstruct the berths with a total length of 1941 meters, retaining walls and shore protection structures embankments, said the press service of the FAE “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”.

On behalf of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Balaclava should be one of the centers of yacht tourism in the South of Russia. This Bay is protected from winds, there are no storms, making it convenient for mooring and accommodation of the courts, inform “News of Sevastopol”.

Text: GTRK Sevastopol