The remote control and exams: the situation in education

the long-Awaited news — the exam will be held in Russia on June 29. This was announced by President Putin. By itself, the date speaks volumes. Her hope for the completion of a cycle of severe limitations. And yet — clarity exams, to the schedule of admission and the beginning of the school year. And the date of the exam — 29 — June- as agreed Putin, “nailed”. How to prepare students and universities?

For odinnadtsatiklassnikov Hope Glah it’s been a month without friends, without walking and without any certainty when he the main in the life of the student the exam. But now, finally, in the calendar, you can circle the exact date — June 29.

“It is definitely a heavy burden from his shoulders, with the heart, because it is not realistic to prepare when you don’t know what number to prepare for,” says Hope.

of the Graduates in the country — almost 700 thousand people. Coronavirus deprived of their already normal last call, and graduation. But the exam will be. Opening the meeting devoted to questions of education, the President makes it clear: alternative exam does not exist.

“For more than a decade of the exam, despite all the problems, and there were many of them, we know about it well, after all, has become an effective mechanism of objective evaluation of knowledge. Given the steady decline in the threat of an epidemic of coronavirus, consider the need for a Unified state exam conduct across the country. It will begin June 29,” — said the head of state.

This is the most important news for all teachers. And the first responds the Director of the Presidential physical-mathematical Lyceum Maxim Pratusevich. “Very well, what I determined the date, and it would be correct to this date was nailed down and was not moved”, — he noted.

the St. Petersburg Lyceum 239 for many years — one of the best schools in the country. All of its graduates, of course, aimed at higher education. And this is a figurative “nailed” it gives the experience of their destiny.

In the Moscow school №1296 students do not haDili for two months. And the teacher looked infrequently. But now we need to validate the classes. The caretaker will need to purchase a supply of masks and gloves — they are on the exam now as necessary as knowledge. New requirements on Seating arrangement of students.

Here is the class, which for June 29, will be the first state examination. Now there are 15 desks, but so close they certainly will not stand. Distance between students should be at least half a meter, but better for two. The offices will have to be a rearrangement of furniture. And finally, the desks are in perfect chess anticolonialism order. Very soon will be like that all classes of the country, where students come to take exams. Required attributes — antiseptic and non-contact thermometer.

anti-virus is the main priority at the finish of this unusual school year. In the 9th class final exams will not do. No need to take them and those who after the 11th class is not going to go to College. Certificates will be issued until June 15.

For the rest of the graduates Rosobrnadzor have already developed a preliminary schedule. Will start a wave of exams with geography, literature and Informatics. Then the mass of the subject — Russian language — it will hold in two days, as to make threads. Well, then according to the adjusted scheme — all the main subjects required for admission to universities. The last state exam — oral foreign language will take two days. For those who for some reason in the middle of summer to take the exam can not, the exam will hold in August.

another important decision: for graduates of this year’s autumn conscription postponed. Thousands of young people will get extra time to calmly pass the exam, choose the University and obtain higher education.

Universities to the new schedule of the admission campaign is ready.

“Admission of documents of the universities on the direction of “the master” is scheduled to begin in June, and for the graduates of 2020 — in July. In this chart, the enrollment in universities will take place in a shorter time than usual. Academic year universities are set to begin on 1 September,” — said Valery Falkov, Minister of science and higher education.

Coronavirus should not affect long-term plans. In his address to the Federal Assembly, President stressed: the number of budget places in universities, especially regional ones, must grow.

“I Believe that we need to take this step this year and to allocate additional funded places to not less than 60% of high school graduates could qualify for free training in higher educational institutions”, — said Putin.

needs to Remain available and paid training. “Today’s complexity is not a reason to revise or raise the price of tuition. This should not be. On the contrary, please carefully balanced to consider the situation of each student, who is having trouble paying the education”, — said the President.

But while the eleventh — resistant preparation for the exam. Her school also needs to carry out remotely.

Your program has developed in the Samara region. Teachers record the commercials, which dismantled the most difficult moments. Students absorb knowledge, staying at home.

New technology is a big opportunity. But all agree that the live communication of the teacher and student are not replaced.

“Those rumors and stuffing that distance education will replace or displace full-time that are closed to traditional schools and universities, considered as a blatant provocation. The more that the education system not only teaches, but also educates, largely shapes the personality”, — Putin said.

Digital communication is another tool of the teacher. The experience of recent months has shown the importance of the Russian platforms for communicating with students.

the St. Petersburg state University distance learning mastered long ago. And the rector Nikolay Kropachev says that even now in high school dotoil on the extension — open the branch in Shanghai.

“Nikolai Mikhailovich, according to your mood, my native St. Petersburg University feels confident in this situation and is developing”, — said Vladimir Putin.

“a lot of Problems, but we will win”, — assured remark.

For those students who are on vacation, there are also important: next school year all schools will begin with the checks, how was the acquired knowledge, obtained in conditions of isolation.

Text: “News of the week”