Exam, receipt and the remote control: Putin outlined the tasks of the education system

Military conscription for high school graduates this year will be postponed, and the exam will begin on June 29. These decisions have been taken during the President’s meeting on the situation in the field of education. Vladimir Putin stressed: pupils, students and teachers managed to overcome the difficulties created by the pandemic coronavirus. At the same time, the difficult working conditions of schools and Universities to specific measures. What will they be and how will it affect the plans of those who are studying and going to study further?

This news 700 thousand graduates of schools, and their parents waited a few months. There were disputes about the fact does not cancel any of the exam this year at all. But the President is determined — the Unified state examination to be appointed his date.

“For more than a decade, despite all the problems, and there were many of them, the exam has become an effective mechanism of objective evaluation of knowledge. The rules in these exams set clear, fair, comfortable enough. Given the steady decline in the threat of the epidemic of the coronavirus, believed it necessary to conduct the exam across the country. It will begin June 29,” — said Vladimir Putin.

this school will help graduates to prepare for exams in remote mode. To apply the results of the exam can several universities, and without a personal presence that is now particularly important for people. Enrollment will take place in August. In addition, for high school graduates who for good reasons will not be able to take the exam in June, in August it will be possible to take the exam in exam format for the remaining seats in higher educational institutions, that is to start studying in the fall, not losing a whole year.

Specific date of the exam is certainty for teachers. Now they can plan and schedule their work, and the rest.

“Very well, what I determined the date. It would be correct that it was nailed and was not moved. But the need to resolve issues of normativewow of regulation, particularly employment legislation, as the vacation schedules of teachers approved and, accordingly, they must now move,” commented the Director of the presidential physical-mathematical Lyceum №239 Maxim Pratusevich.

“I have heard concerns from colleagues about the fact that, on the one hand, you finally announced the date of the exam. I hope that she, with epigastralgia, nailed to the wall. But at the same time worried about some unresolved regulatory issues. I hope that tomorrow the state Duma will adopt amendments introduced by the government in legislation, and then all issues are appropriately resolved,” — said the Deputy Chairman of the government of Russia Tatyana Golikova.

preparing for the final assessment is already underway in the Samara region. There the teachers have found and recorded your video, where apart of the major mistakes of the exam. Everything happens remotely.

For the successful conduct of the exam but luck is not enough. Stringent sanitary requirements will become mandatory as the presence of knowledge.

“the Seating arrangements of participants in the classroom will be organized with respect of the distance not less than five feet. The conduct of the mass of the Russian language exam will be divided into two days to avoid accumulations of the participants in the classroom. The audience will be pre-disinfected,” — said the Minister of education Sergey Kravtsov.

In a short time will hold and the admission campaign in the universities. The Minister of science and higher education of Russia Valery Falkov said:

Reception of documents of the universities in the direction of “the master” is scheduled to begin in June, and for graduates of 20 years in July. In this chart, the enrollment will take place in a shorter time than usual.

the Academic year universities are set to begin on 1 September. Final exams in the 9th grade decided to cancelth at all. Those who are not going to enroll at University, can not pass their 11th grade. Certificates they will be given until June 15.

the Pandemic at the time changed the entire education system. The transition to a new, remote training is not everywhere went smooth. Initially lacked equipment and Internet speed, and, most importantly, experience, but the teachers did.

“Figure and telecommunications represent tremendous opportunities. Of course, they will not replace live communication between the teacher and the learner, creative, team friendly environment of the school, high school, College. Those rumors and stuffing that distance education will replace or displace full-time that are closed to traditional schools and universities, considered as a blatant provocation, especially since the education system not only teaches, but also educates and in many forms identity that conveys the values and traditions that underpin our society”, — said the head of state.

For medical, creative and technical Universities and the remote control is not a solution to the problem.

“87 percent of teachers believe that classes at their courses still best done face to face. 67 percent of teachers did not agree to in a future semester lectures, seminars were mostly in an online format,” — said the rector of Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov Victor Sadovnichy.

the Digitalization of lessons and lectures revealed and weaknesses. One of them is the lack of reliable Internet platforms developed in Russia. The rector of SPSU Nikolay Kropachev told about a curious case in the Northern capital.

— In one of the universities of St. Petersburg who use the platform mainly meant for games poker, and now it is used in high school to support the learning process.

Advanced universities of the country even now think about the future. SPSU is going to open a branch in Shanghai and to attract foreign students.

Another crucial issue is the organization of summer holidays for schoolchildren. Children’s camp opens, but yet will only take the children from their region. May have to give up parental days.

“Summer health campaign today to plan and carry out within or within a region, yet without leaving children. Given that the virus is with us for a long time, we tried to develop the requirements that will allow children to rest inside the camp without a mask mode, so this stay was full,” — said the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova.

In the new environment will require more caregivers.

“the work on organization of summer rest, in the first place, can join students from our alumni Association “Sirius” and the recipients of the President. It is almost seven thousand successful students of Russian universities”, — said the head of the education Fund “Talent and success” Elena Shmeleva.

the President urged even in the face of a pandemic not to forget about the purposes intended. Universities should receive more budgetary places, and paid training should be more accessible.

“Today’s complexity is not a reason to revise or raise the price of tuition, this should not be. On the contrary, please carefully balanced to consider the situation of each student who was having problems paying for education, to suggest effective mechanisms of support, including assistance in the conclusion of the contract and relevant training with the enterprises of the real sector of the economy. The government jointly with the Bank of Russia to study the question of reduced rates on educational loans to 3 percent and extend the maturity of such loans,” — said Vladimir Putin.

due to the shift timing of the certification of the Ministry of defence for the graduates of 2020 will be delayed autumn conscription, to give time to choose. Educational companies who have lost income from paid services, will receive 41,4 billion on payment of salaries. Academic year all are going to start strictly on the Day of knowledge — September 1.