High testosterone faces of diabetes for women, but not men

hormones determine the course of many processes in the body such as metabolism, sleep cycle and wakefulness, and even affect the mood. Now, researchers from Cambridge and Exeter universities found that testosterone is associated with risk of development of dangerous diseases: metabolic diseases and cancer. But there is one “but”: the high level of the hormone has a different effect on men and women.

Experts conducted a large study on genetic regulation of secretion of sex hormones and their effect on the body. Scholars interested in how different levels of testosterone in men and women associated with the risk of cancer and metabolic diseases.

They analyzed the results of genetic studies over 425 thousand people, taken from the Biobank UK Biobank.

as a result, scientists were able to identify approximately 2,500 alleles associated with natural testosterone.

it Turned out that a genetically high testosterone levels in women can increase the risk of developing breast cancer and endometrial (inner mucous membrane of the uterus).

in addition, it can increase the risk of developing type II diabetes and other metabolic diseases in women by 37% and the risk of polycystic ovary syndrome by 51%.

Perhaps an increased risk of developing diabetes can be explained by the effect of testosterone on increasing visceral fat. The latter tends to accumulate around vital abdominal organs and may be present in large quantities even visually lean people.

interestingly, the opposite effect was observed in men. High levels of testosterone in them reduces the risk of developing type II diabetes by 14%. However, it also increases the risk of prostate cancer.

According to scientists, the findings will help doctors prevent many diseases and improve the treatment already available.

As noted by senior author Dr John Perry (John Perry) from the University of Cambridge, ponyManie how testosterone levels affect risk of polycystic ovary syndrome, will help scientists to investigate the causes of this condition.

Besides, he adds, a therapy designed to reduce testosterone levels, can help prevent prostate cancer. This is indicated by the results of the study, but this remains to be tested in future works.

However, Dr. Catherine Ruth (Katherine Ruth) from Exeter University believes that it is too early to consider testosterone terror therapy as a treatment for any of the above ailments.

In her opinion, the most important conclusion is the confirmation of differences in the risk of diseases caused by testosterone levels between men and women.

Scientific article on the results of the study published in Nature Medicine.