More than 6.5 thousand Altaians have suffered from tick bites

Since the beginning of season 6 600 inhabitants of the Altai region suffered from tick bites. Seven people suspected of tick-borne encephalitis. Diagnoses are not yet confirmed, additional studies, reports GTRK “Altai”.

Epidemiologists record a quarter more bites compared to last year. This is due to the early warm spring, and an increase in the insect population. Experts say that such phenomenon normally — every few years, the number of blood-sucking increases. Anyway, said the growth in the number of mites, will be at the end of the second wave of activity. It usually occurs at the beginning of autumn.

the Deputy head of Rospotrebnadzor in Altai Krai Uljana of Kalinin said: “We are 2-3 weeks go earlier cases, the tick bite in comparison with the previous year. The month of may was very comfortable. And despite the isolation, the inhabitants of the region actively visited natural parks”.

Earlier it was reported that in Siberia found a new species of tick is a hybrid of the taiga tick and the tick Pavlovsky, who usually lives in the far East and Altai. Most such mites discovered in the Novosibirsk region, writes the newspaper “Science in Siberia”. They are more dangerous to humans than the existing, and widely distributed.

Text: GTRK “Altai”