The doctor warned about implicit causes of pain in the joints

the TV channel “Russia 1” Dr Alexander Myasnikov told about it would seem a non-obvious cause of pain in the joints, which is revealed only through deep analysis of patient.

“We sometimes put interesting diagnoses, and sometimes the face simply with what we call “medical detective”. One such case, which vividly demonstrated the trick in diagnosis and treatment of the joints,” said the butchers and recalled the story when a complaint of pain in knees, wrists, elbows and fingers turned 40-year-old patient with excess weight. Initially sought the cause of pain related to the diagnosis of type jade. Then inclined to the version of psoriatic arthritis, about gout, about Lyme disease (the patient was bitten by a tick), etc., and only the deep analysis of the test results helped to reach a version of viral hepatitis.

“We all know that the virus of hepatitis b or C affects the liver. In fact, there are so-called extrahepatic manifestations of viral hepatitis: standard kidney damage, joint damage. So if we just have positive rheumatoid factor without pain in the joints, have to check for hepatitis b and C, this is important!” noted butchers and recalled that hepatitis C is a “silent killer”, it does not manifest clinically, while rheumatoid arthritis is traditionally treated with painkillers, hormones, whereas you need to concentrate on the treatment of hepatitis. Modern combination of drugs to cure hepatitis C in 99% of cases.

“Every third patient with hepatitis C and almost the same number of people with chronic hepatitis b have joint pain, and other manifestations,” said the doctor. Also cause pain in the joints may be other viral diseases: measles, viruses Epstein-Barr, parvoviruses, and even exotic African diseases like cucumonga, which can bring the bites of infected mosquitos, imported from Africa.

Informed butchers said, what drinks to drink in the heat.