The number of tourists in Primorye for the year increased by 21 percent

At the end of 2019 the number of foreigners visiting Primorsky Krai, again showed a positive trend – this time the region has hosted more than 941 thousand foreign guests. An increase of nearly 21%, reports “News: Primorye” with reference to the press service of the Krai government.

As described in the Agency for tourism of the Primorsky territory, the greatest dynamics traditionally showed the Asia-Pacific region. The first place for several consecutive years in the PRC for the past year the region was visited 456 295 Chinese travelers, the growth amounted to 8 %. The second leading place occupies the Republic of Korea, the territory of Primorye drove 304 457 people with different objectives, with tourist – 299 696 people. Both figures higher by 35% compared to the 2018.

the Main increase is noted in the direction of Japan. From January to December 2019 in Primorye was visited by over 35 thousand people from the Country of the rising sun – 70% more than in 2018. 34 917 – as tourists, which is 71% higher. In addition, increased tourist traffic from India, Indonesia, Korea, USA, Canada and Australia.

all in All, 2019 Primorsky Krai was visited by 941 501 foreigner, that is 20.9% higher than in 2018. Of them with the tourist purposes – 819 762 foreigners, the increase was 17%. “This result was achieved by hard work of a large team. In my opinion, two indicators have become the most breakthrough: increase in arrivals from Japan and continued positive dynamics of reception from the Republic of Korea. These are key in the current year. In addition, we will increase the pace of work on attraction of new air, cruise companies, other major players in this field. Of course, the most important areas for the beautification of places of tourist show, the main tourist areas, holding and supporting events, various festivals, which, in turn, will attract the PRimore new guests and provide a regular reason to visit our region”, – said the Deputy Chairman of the regional Government Konstantin Shestakov.

He also noted that soon will be announced and the economic results of the past year will know the amount of taxes received in the budget from the tourism industry and its contribution to the gross regional product. “When we talk about tourism, we are primarily talking about income, which is the direction brings the region”, – said Konstantin Shestakov.

Text: GTRK “Vladivostok”