Due to torn earphone, an eighth-grader during a lesson, beat the teacher

because of the actions of the eighth-grade student in Moscow, was hospitalized 61-year-old teacher. The teacher suffered because of the aggressive behavior of a teenager, and his passion for music.

according to “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, the incident occurred in the South-West of the capital on January 15. During the physics lesson the student was listening to music through headphones. This behavior did not like the teacher, and she asked the boy to stop listening to music. The eighth-grader did not respond to the request of the teacher, as a result, the woman yanked the earpiece over the wire. Headset broke, which caused the indignation of the student.

the Teenager jumped up from his chair and hit the teacher in the face, and then the hand in which she held the remote for the interactive whiteboard. The object flew off and struck the woman scalp. The teacher ran out of room and began to call for help. At her request colleagues responded by calling an ambulance.

One of the workers told the school that the student could not calm down for a long time. The teenager broke the remote, and beat with hands and feet the door to the classroom. Calm it could only the grandmother, who was urgently summoned to an educational institution.

the Teacher was taken to hospital where he received first aid. Currently she is on sick leave.

as for the boy, to his antics in school have become accustomed, since it consists on the account in inspection on Affairs of minors. Student has good academic performance, often skips lessons, it was even left on the second year. A foster child does the grandmother.

In January of 2019 in Syzran the teacher tried to intervene in a fight students, but as a result she got hit on the head. The woman was hospitalized with a head injury.