In Bashkortostan, the court has deprived the rights the mother of 7-year-old Mowgli

In Salavat by a court decision the mother of 7-year-old boy Mowgli deprived of parental rights. The lawsuit was filed by the city administration, reports GTRK “Bashkortostan”.

the child’s Mother wasn’t watching him, drinking in the apartment did not have electricity and gas, there was a complete lack of sanitation. To 7 years the boy never learned to talk, was making only sounds, not able to play and to dress themselves, eating only with his hands, said the representatives of the city court.

At the meeting, a grief-mother insisted that he bring the apartment in order and will soon be planning some cosmetic repairs. However, the judge did not consider her arguments convincing. Now, the woman have to pay child support. A child is placed in a social shelter.

Text: GTRK “Bashkortostan”