Russia spent more than 10 million tests for coronavirus

Russia has spent more than 10 million tests for the presence of coronavirus infection. This was reported by the press service of Rospotrebnadzor.

“as of 28 may there were 10 000 061 laboratory study on the presence of a novel coronavirus in the material from people, including those who arrived from countries affected by the new coronavirus infection”, – have informed in the Ministry.

At the moment, according to Rospotrebnadzor, 305 thousands of people who suspect the coronavirus, under the supervision of physicians.

Since the beginning of the pandemic coronavirus in the world recorded nearly 5.9 million cases of infection. COVID-19 claimed the lives of nearly 362 thousand people.

In Russia it is registered more than 379 thousand cases of infection, according to the operational headquarters for the fight against the spread of coronavirus. While recovered nearly 151 thousand people, died more than 4 million.