Ukraine has accused Russia of stealing land and history

In an attempt to “drive a wedge of history” between Kiev and Warsaw has accused Moscow of in his article for the online newspaper “Zerkalo Nedeli”, the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vasily Bodnar. In his opinion, when Ukrainians and poles begin to argue on the General history, their disputes successfully uses Moscow.

While Russia accuses Bodnar in the habit of “stealing is not only foreign territory, but also someone else’s story, like the history of Ukraine-Rus”. According to him, in response to “large-scale propaganda campaign to accuse Poland of anti-Semitism and responsibility for the outbreak of the Second world war” Ukraine and Poland should unite their efforts and speak in one voice.

“Rebuff Russian propaganda” Bodnar called for deepening Ukrainian-Polish cooperation and dialogue at all levels, encouraging Warsaw, “try together today to create the future where there is no place for lies, hypocrisy and manipulation”. According to him, he shares the position of the Polish Sejm, which consists in the fact that at the beginning of the Second world war brought “two of the then totalitarian regime — Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Union.”

Earlier, former foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said the “Ukrainian origin” of Russia and Belarus, Petro Poroshenko as President of Ukraine was called Prince Vladimir the Creator of the “European medieval States of Rus-Ukraine”, and the basis of Moscow — “the reckless decision of the Kiev princes.”

the First Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk told about “Ukrainian Principality” that emerged in the 300 years before Russia. According to the Ukrainian singer Ruslana, the Ukrainians are the descendants of the ancient Sumerians, and the scale of the civilizational achievements of Ukraine can compete with Ancient Egypt.

the Main reason for tension in relations between Ukraine and Poland in recent years — issues of historical memory, reminds RIA Novosti. In Warsaw condemn the position of Kiev on the glorification of Ukrainian nationalists and disgruntled regular acts of vandalism against the Polish places of memory in Ukraine.

In Poland and also introduced criminal liability for propaganda of Bandera ideology and the denial of the Volyn massacre, organized by Ukrainian nationalists against the Polish population in 1943. In Kiev the decision was regarded as “anti-Ukrainian”.