Vaccine Russia can appear until the second wave COVID-19

the Correspondent of VGTRK Nailya Asker-zade continues a series of reports on the epidemic and the coronavirus vaccine. In the Novosibirsk scientific center “Vector” has already begin testing on volunteers.

“This is a finished dosage form of one of our vaccines. This vaccine is released we 21 may 2020 and is intended for already preclinical studies finished dosage forms”, — said Rinat Maksyutov, CEO of fgun GNTS VB “Vector”.

Over the contents of this vial, a team of scientists of the research center “Vector” worked more than three months. The first pilot batch. Strictly for preclinical studies. To find the same, tried different combinations. Of the more than 25 variants, three showed the greatest efficiency.

“One of our products is not according to the classical scheme the introduction of intramuscularly and the scheme of introduction internatilnal, in fact, he just dug in his nose. Launched a full-scale preclinical trial data of drugs,” — said the native.

the Safety and effectiveness of checks on various laboratory animals, including the lower primates.

“Like humans, there are a significant number of asymptomatic cases, i.e. when the virus is we can only control warusawithana, in a smear using PCR. Individuals temperature,” — said the Director of “Vector”.

In contrast to lower primates mouse that are also involved in the experiment, was resistant to the coronavirus: they are difficult to infect, and hurt they are not like people. When it became obvious, scientists decided to create transgenic mice. And it turned out to be quite difficult.

“just as not every woman gives birth to a child after transplantation of oocytes during in vitro fertilization, not every mouse gives birth to cubs after transplantation of eggs. Not everyone contains the human gene. Transgenes were born, now we them significantly already hold in our hands, it was a female,” — said Alexey Deykin, head of the Center for collective use “Genome editing” of the Institute of gene biology, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Now the Institute has more than 20 mice with the human genome. Every day scientists find another three or four individuals are needed.

“They are unique. In Russia received for the first time. In the world of no,” said Dakin.

British scientists are sounding the alarm that the virus mutates, adapts to the person. So the world will get the vaccine?

Scientists say that the virus has a small number of changes, a small number of mutations, and this gives us reason to believe that the vaccine can be invented and it can be quite effective, said Anna Popova, chief sanitary doctor of Russia, head of Rospotrebnadzor.

“I — 33. 2018 I work as a Junior researcher in the Department of biological and technological control, lead a group of biological control. This is the first clinical study, where I decided to take the mm part,” said Elena Bashkina, volunteer, Junior researcher “Vector”.

to Develop a vaccine and then to experience it — it is a common practice. Sometimes scientists are attracted to the experiences of relatives. So it was with the polio vaccine.

“the Final group of volunteers can be formed only 7 days before initiation of the clinical trial. Those who are already infected with a coronavirus will not be able to be volunteers in clinical trials,” — said Rinat Maksyutov.

Clinical studies are usually divided into four phases. But will now be reduced to three, s – and by the fact that the first and second phases will combine.

Russia is now under development 47 of vaccines for 14 platforms. Work is proceeding in several laboratories in the “Vector”, Institute of Gamaliel and St. Petersburg Institute of vaccines and sera.

– Who will choose which vaccine then launch into mass production?

And it will depend on the characteristics that the vaccine will demonstrate. This is not easy. To obtain data and to demonstrate properly is also very important, — said Anna Popova.

– whether to create a vaccine for children, because they too are sick with coronavirus?

– Yes. We expect that our developments can be applied to protect including child population, but this is a question of subsequent clinical trials, — said Rinat Maksyutov.

– If all goes according to plan, when to start studies on children?

– At the beginning of 2021.

the New center of the world epidemic is now Latin America. The number of deaths in individual countries on the continent are doubling every two to three weeks. Coronavirus does not recognize borders, and continues to travel around the world.

– When can we expect a second wave of the epidemic?

I really don’t want to wait, I absolutely would not want her to come. It is quite possible that coronavirus will rise in the autumn, — says Anna Popova.

– when in Russia, we now get a vaccine against the coronavirus?

We very much hope that we will get it in time, before the second wave. And this is the main thing we expect.

Text: “News of the week”